Eliminate Water Waste Outdoors:
According to some estimate’s homeowners over water their lawns and landscapes by 30% or more. Follow these tips to avoid overwatering and a high bill:
Avoid runoff from the lawn onto the street or sidewalk. If you notice runoff occurring, it is due to overwatering. How do you know if you’re overwatering your lawn? Signs of overwatering include the growth of weeds and fungus such as mushrooms, insect pests, and runoff. Grass should only be watered as needed which is not always every day. Lawns should never be watered when it is raining.
Plant native drought tolerant plants.The Campanula Rotunifolia also known as the bluebell bellflower is a great option for Bellflower and is the flower the city was named after. Learn more about the bluebell bellflower and other drought tolerant plants here:
Spread mulch around landscaping to help retain water. Mulching your landscaping is beneficial to your curb appeal and prevents weeds. In addition, plants surrounded by mulch have been found to require 25% less water than those without 500 gallons of water each year. To install simply unscrew your current aerator and replace either internally or externally onto your fixture. Don’t forget to recycle the old aerator.